Padmanand:You are the most energetic, lovable & jovial person I have ever met in ICICI. U are always there in the midst of all fun happening in and around. What makes you so? Is it just BE
JOY? |
Bejoy: Life is how you take it .... U decide how to live your life ....I Enjoy
my Life so Iam BE JOY !!!!
Padmanand: Heard that from underwriting (bachelor) u are changing into overwriting (Marriage) ? What are your expectations? |
Bejoy: Never set expectation , as you will be sad if expectations are not
met. For me there is a very small diffrance between Marriage and Mirage !!!
Padmanand: What could be the logic behind a drunkard deciding the life coverage of a person who drink just 2 pegs daily? |
Bejoy: Simple : Domain Knowledge
Padmanand: If ur would be demands STOP DRINKING, which brand will u choose to have the last peg? |
Bejoy: Till now she has not asked !!! But If ..... Might me a " MALIBU "
Padmanand: As a dedidated ICICI Employee, Where are you going to invest your Dowry ? |
Bejoy: Sorry dude No Dowry !!! Iam still Bank rupt !!!!and will remain so
Padmanand: What could be the first LIE, you will tell your wife on your first night? |
Bejoy: I will tell you the truth !!!!
Padmanand: Any Unforgettable events in ur life? |
Bejoy:Lotz and Lotz ...My 1st Date .....My First day in College, Ipru
everything is a memorable 1 ...... In future it can even be my marriage date
Padmanand: If not Insurance what would be ur next option of Job? |
Bejoy: Financial Industry - Bank , BPO etc
Padmanand: Something about ur Personal Life? |
Bejoy: Bacardi, Romino, JDF, 8 pm, Jawan, Mansion House, Honey Bee,
Padmanand: Ur Message for Rural Mama? |
Bejoy: Keep up the TEAM SPIRIT !!!!
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