Election on diagram

Election on diagram


INSURANCE SELLING MYTH # 1 - "Sales is a numbers game." But, sales is only a numbers game when all you know is traditional insurance selling. Yes, you can call people over and over, chase them until they listen to you so that you just go away. However there is a better - easier method of building trust and getting your product or service message across - all on one call. Simply by changing your insurance selling approach you'll make FEWER CALLS and MORE SALES.
INSURANCE SELLING MYTH # 2 - "Use a sales script." People can tell when you're reading from a script, even if you think you're pretty good at it and getting away with it. There's nothing personal about it and people can pick that up. Being artificial just puts you into the typical "Salesperson" category. If you can learn to get your message across in a different way, you'll eliminate the negative triggers that can lose your sale within seconds.
INSURANCE SELLING MYTH # 3 - "Focus on closing the sale." Are you "going in for the kill" with your insurance selling techniques? - If you are, you could end up killing your deal instead. Old insurance selling techniques do nothing more than pressure the client or prospect, and as a result they naturally want to retreat away from that pressure - and that pressure is YOU! By learning to avoid the "push and pull" dynamic between you and your prospect, you'll be able to move the insurance sales process forward to get the result you want.

Courtesy:Ari Galper

your unique approach on your prospecting follow up impresses your prospective client into thinking you are a true professional. People like to buy insurance from professionals. Next, you gave something, without asking for anything in return. Only a sincere, trusted sales person would do this. In addition, the prospect is impressed and actually looking forward for your phone call. Especially if he or she was a winner big or small. Therefore, you are locking in likeability. Getting the appointment, with this added pre-approach should be easy. See how the sale will come without objections. If not, you had a suspect and not a real prospect lead to begin with.
Don't just believe my insurance selling tips. Every successful insurance sales person will tell you that it is no secret that to be better you have to do what no one has tried or is unwilling to do.

For rUrAlMaMa


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Tony said...

A very valuable piece of information. Keep it up dear Manjith.

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