Election on diagram

Election on diagram

Golden Words of Madhu Boss

Antony: Dearest Madhu Boss, let me start with a very serious question. Now a days people are least interested with Insurance Industry. Recruiting Advisors has become the toughest task, Managers are struggling to get the right people in the frontline, people are running away from Insurance people and despite of that the Industry is growing rapidly at a rate of 112% per Annum. What could be the reason?

Madhu: Insurance is still a Sun rise Industry in India. Its theory of economics.......When you look forward to have max people on board in the given time, availability,proximity,price and quality may not be under the lence. Who ever put their best efforts and shown talent are ruling this industry and those who do not have leadership quality have vacated themselves. In order to become successful in Insurance, man management skill and patience is required to greater extend. Without which no man is successful in Insurance.

Antony: Great! How relevant is Insurance in Indian Society? People are being tackled by the Sales force by showing the Growth prospects and opportunity of greater returns in Indian Market. Nowhere the concept of Insurance is emphasized. A Person taking a Policy is not aware of the benefits and ironically we call it as a Relationship business. Is this a right practice?

Madhu: Fortunately, India is the second largest growing nation in the world. There is no mistake in telling the growth story to customers as it is the fact. Our responsibility is to explain how well this economic growth can be benefited to public for their wealth creation, child education and marriage, Risk of short living, long living,debt,health etc by avoiding Risk of Inflation.

Antony: Insurance Industry is full of hype. A person who cannot create hype and relationship will not be successful in Insurance. But in foreign countries, Insurance is sold on the basis of need Analysis and Financial Planning. Why Indians in a different path? Are we afraid that need analysis would not work out?
Madhu: You meant is developed countries. It’s too early to compare India with any developed countries not only for insurance but also in any matter. The myth in Indians are that(incl. recruiting managers)insurance advisor society and eligible population are financially and educationally backward and in order to prove it otherwise ,certain amount of hype is important. Moreover any sales person is supposed to be groomed well and especially a sales person who ask investments from someone need to be with extra degree.(This is for psychological balance or to get upper hand)

Antony: Is Utmost Goodfaith practised well in Insurance Industry??

Madhu: The aggressive sales and aggressive underwriting happen every where. No such serious violation is noticed. No customer would like to keep anything as secret if the concept explained well as his money and purpose will be null if proven anything wrong in future date especially when the advisor is not there to help his cust

Antony: How is Health Insurance Sales compared with ULIPS?

Madhu: Health Saver is a classic Health product and its a ULIP. There is no difference for Health vs ULIP so no scope for comparison.

Antony: Recently some companies like Bharti Axa has started hiring Vendors for the recruitment of Agents, while some other companies are shutting down the Agency Development Channel? In your opinion what could be the best method of building up distribution?

Madhu: Distribution ramp up is a key area in any new business like Insurance in India. One to One or Face to Face business opportunity presentation is the best ever time tested method for any distribution build up.

Antony: What was your biggest achievement as an Insurance Person?

Madhu: Leadership Award from ICICI Pru life and received with my wife and child is the biggest achievement.

Antony: Can you share something about your personal and family life?

Madhu: My wife Beena and Only daughter Bhavana studying in 2nd Standard.I would like read more books and spend time with my family.

Antony: What is your biggest aim in Life?

Madhu: Need to be a Speaker and empower people through out of life.

Antony: Any unforgettable moments in life?

Madhu: Every morning I get up from the bed

Antony: Your Message for Rural Mama Members?
Madhu: In a dynamic & and fast changing environment, it is imperative that all of us demonstrate agility for sustainable competitive advantage.

Thankyou Very Much Dear Madhu Boss for spending some time with Rural Mama. Your words will definitely create a positive wave to all our members. May God Bless you and Family tremendously.


Antony Rebeiro.

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Attitude, after all, is everything!! !

John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.
When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply,
' If I were any better, I would be twins! '
He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, ' I don ' t get it! ' ' You can ' t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?
' He replied, ' Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today.
You can choose to be in a good mood can choose to be in a bad mood I choose to be in a good mood.
' Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me compla ining, I can choose to accept their complaining or...I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.
' Yeah, right, it ' s not that easy, ' I protested.
' Yes, it is, ' he said. ' Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice.
You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood The bottom line: It ' s your choice how you live your life.
' I reflected on what he said.
Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about h im when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.
I saw him about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, ' If I were any better, I ' d be twins...Wanna see my scars?
' I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.
' The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my soon-to-be born daughter, ' he replied. ' Then, as I lay on th ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or...I could choose to die. I chose to live.
' ' Weren ' t you scared? Did you lose consciousness? ' I asked. He continued, ' ...the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read ' he ' s a dead man ' . I knew I needed to take action.
' <>' What did you do? ' I asked. ' Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me, ' said John. ' She asked if I was allergic to anything ' Yes, I replied.
' The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, ' Gravity ' '
Over their laughter, I told them, ' I am choosing to live.
Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead. ' He lived, thanks to the skil of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude...I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.
Attitude, after all, is everything.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ' Matthew 6:34.
After all today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
You have two choices now:
01. Read this and forget it.
02. Encourage people you care about to read this.
You know the choice I made.

For Rural Mama

Antony Rebeiro.

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Denmark is a big shame. The sea is stained in red and it’s not because of the climate effects of nature. It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilized human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins.
This happens every year in Feroe island in Denmark . In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? To show that they are adults and mature. BULLLLshittttt

In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator”. Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it’s near instinction and they get near men to play and interact in a way of PURE friendship. They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim extremely compatible with the cry of a new born child. But he suffers and there’s no compassion till this sweet being slowly dies in its own blood. It is enough! We will make people to read until this arrives in any association defending the animals, we won’t only read. Take care of the world, it is your home!

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CHAK DE - Mannjit

Manjith Sivaraman
Agency Manager, ICICI Prudential

Antony: Whenever I think about you Manjith, I remember about your Team coming together for the meetings in a bus like the Indian Cricket Team. It simply reminds everybody about your Team Management, and how well you Care your Advisors. What is that special thing in you making you different from others?

Manjith: All my advisors were far away from the office .So I took all the pains in gathering them together. There wasn’t any other possible means to bring them in time. But, I always remember the quote “Teaching to catch fish is better than giving a fish in charity”. So I am now trying to make them self dependent.
There is nothing making me a difference from others.
[“Bear no envy. Commit no slander. Speak no falsehood. Practice no deceit. Harbor no malice. You will be ever joyful, happy and peaceful”. I sincerely follow my level best to be so. But Tony, still I am a Human….!]

Antony: You have performed some great Innings when we all were together. How is your life with Insurance as a Career?

Manjith: Insurance field is a Gold mine. I agree with the fact that
Right recruitment is the raw material. I believe in myself and there is a bright “present” in my career and Of course a Future too.

[“Live in the present. Forget the past. Give up hopes of the future.”]

Antony: Many times you have told me that your interest is not Insurance but in the Advertising Field. What makes you more interested in Advertisement Films?

Manjith: Suppose your life shortened to a day. Can you imagine how precious each seconds..? That is the key of advertisement.

KISS but It Kills. [ads] Keep It Short and Simple But [idea] Keep It Large and Legible.

Our customers don't really want our product or service. But they want the benefit produced by using it. Here our role as agents, advisors, managers and advertisers…! Tony, there is no question of “more interest”.

Insurance field is my life and advertisement Film is my passion.

One for living and other for intend to living.
[just like “Manjith and .mannjit !”]

Antony: Thank God for giving you interest in advertisements & designing. Rural Mama is designed by you. The Site looks very beautiful. What are your feelings towards it?

Manjith: It’s my tribute to my friends who lead by heart and not with Brain. Their tears and smiles not from eyes & mouth but from the innermost. Ruralmama is the beats of our Supreme relationship.

Antony: Where do you find yourself after 5 years?

Manjith : Possibly in earth if sensex and GOD allow me to so.

To Become a BM Before 26th june 2011 is the target.

Then…Tony please… I may not be able to find myself anywhere in KERALA.]

Antony: What is your biggest Aim in Life?

Manjith: To became a Good Son, Good Brother, Good Husband, Good Father and a Good Friend. If your question is in a materialistic way , then the answer is MY Own Advertisement Film Company.

Antony: Any Unforgettable Incidents in Life?

Manjith: Accident and the sad demise of my father. Transition of younger son to a responsible “Grihanathan” in a fraction of second.

Antony: Who is your Biggest Inspiration and Role Model in Life? Why?

Manjith: Biggest Inspiration is cricket

Cricket is always an extract of life itself.
Targets, Time Barrier, Restrictions, boundaries, downfall, go ups, Laws…..

Favorite writers N.S.Madhavan, Methil Radhakrishnan and Anand influenced me a lot. The person really inspires me is Swami Vivekananda.

And my role model, Bill Gate…why not?

Antony: About you’re Family?

Manjith: Amma, Me & My wife Ambily. She is working In registration department. I Have a Sister, Manjusha, working as Finger Print Expert of Alappuzha.
She is married and has a son Achu.

Antony: What is your Message to All Rural Mama Members?

Manjith: "Happiness is not by chance, but by choice." Similarly ruralmama is a choice of happiness. Take it as a relaxation tool and the way of exploring ourselves. As a platform for sharing thoughts, sorrows and happiness. Please update and browse it regularly .Remember…ruralmama…is the one & only blog Of this Kind. Be proud of it.

Thankyou very much Manjith for your Valuable Time with Rural Mama.May Almighty Shower blessings upon you and your family.

For Rural Mama
Antony Rebeiro.

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Antony: Hello Anil, It is a great pleasure to have a word with you. You were one of the Consistent - Pride of Peninsular Rural? How do you feel about it?

Anil: First of all let me thank you for inviting me to become a part of Rural Mama. I really believe that it was my luck to work with rural channel & I feel very proud of it.

Antony: From Chathanoor to Harippad, almost 80 km daily, and still you managed to do logins very consistently? How did u overcome such difficulties?

Anil: Not from Chathannur, from Nadakkal to Haripad. Since then distance was not a problem for me and to say about the logins, I had the help from the concerned SM & Kollam OPS.

Antony: What was the secret and formula behind your consistency?

Anil: There is no secret behind my performance; it is only a commitment, dedication, sincerity & belief.

Antony: In the peak of Recession you did 15 lakhs in a particular month. Was it just luck or how was those sales closed? Can u please explain?

Anil: My THRIDEEP BOSS said to me that sales performance is not LUCK; it’s the returns of what we have done. --SAHACHARYANGAL AVASARANGALAKKI MUTHALEDUKKU

Antony: Who was your inspiration and role model in your business life?

Anil: My inspiration in insurance is THRIDEEP BOSS, & My Role model is SAJU BOSS

Antony: Something about your personal and family life?

Anil: My Wife’s name is Preetha. Adrija, Anitra are my daughters, Parents are staying with me, I have one sister she is married to Anil and has one daughter Anakha.

Antony: What is your biggest aim and dream in your life?

Anil: I am confused about my aim & dream. I still don’t have a clarity on it, can you help me?

Antony: Of course I can. As a dedicated and passionate Employee of ICICI, you certainly can become the CEO of ICICI. I think that should be your AIM.

Antony: Any unforgettable event in life?

SWAPNA SANDHYA**. The Pain relief of the 1'st MDRT in Rural Peninsular-08. The real story can be narrated by MADHU BOSS & THRIDEEP BOSS

Antony: Anything about Team Together, Team Titan & Team Nurture?

Anil: Team TOGETHER- Me with my family. Team TITAN - My family with Father, Mother and Siblings. Team NURTURE - The Complete Family with GRAND PARENTS.

Antony: Finally, What is your opinion and message for Rural Mama?

Anil: RURAL MAMA, it is an outstanding and fantastic idea. I have great pleasure in becoming a part of it. Looking forward for many more initiatives and wishing a very bright future & all Success for RURAL MAMA.

Thank you Very much Dear Anil for your Valuable time you have shared with Rural Mama. May God Bless you with many more Heights and Success.
For Rural Mama
Antony Rebeiro.

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K P Saju (RM,Birla Sunlife)

Antony: Dear Saju Boss, when and where did u start your career?

Saju: I started my career soon after or can say soon before Graduation in 1995.I Joined before my practical exam with a Singer Sewing Machine distributor at Palakkad as direct selling executive.

Antony: Have you ever thought of taking a career in Insurance? If So why?
Saju: When i started my career, my dream was only to become Medical representative. I never thought or Life insurance was never a so exposed as much as now. I joined to a pharma company at calicut after Singer sewing machine. Later I joined with Heinz India at Cochin. With Heinz I put up around 6 years. I was in Front line sales all these 6 years and wanted to move for Growth in career. At that time the Life Insurance companies were emerging. ICICI was a glamorized Brand and wanted to join in that Group. I did not knew what is insurance when i took up the career with Ipru How ever strong vision was set in to grow and specialize in Man management by that time. Later I understood that Industry is highly potential.
Antony: Can u tell us about the Origin of Team Nurture?

Saju: Wow!!! That's a Good Question. Team Nurture actually formed in 2006 beginning, when I took charge as ARM for Thrissur Cluster. All of us of Team Thrissur cluster wanted a different Theme and Team Name. After Brain storming we came to Conclusion that we need to drive the career and development of all Individuals of Team at all level from advisor to Sales managers to ARM. And also we decided to take the responsibility to Nurture the Team members to grow in their dreams and career. That's how we named our selves Team Nurture. Team Nurture emerged as NO.1 in Pan India 2006-2007. Later when I was assigned to develop the Rural Vertical I never have difficulty in finding the apt name for the Team. I strongly believe Nurturing the Talents of the Team members should be the responsibility of any Team Leader. Now Team Nurture members have grown and spread every where in Industry holding Leadership positions. I am successful in my Dreams.
Antony: How was your life with Team Nurture?

Saju: Life in Team Nurture>>can’t explain in single word. It’s a mixture of Tough time/Pleasure time/Learning Time/Developing time....I will say Great learning ... To specify about Rural Team Nurture>>Wow what a great Team...I could spend more time to ensure the 100% Success... (I am also sad that lot many members also become failures as they did not stick to the principles of Team Nurture)
Antony: As a very successful Insurance Person, what is your ideas about the qualities that an Insurance person should have to become successful?

Saju: Thanks for calling me successful insurance person; however I will not say I am 100% successful. Long way to go... Insurance is a simple business>>the day we try to make it complicate it becomes complicate and it will eat up that individuals career. It is applicable not only to insurance also to any industry. The raw material in Insurance factory is Human being. And Human being is most complicate animal in this world. He can act like all other animals while other animals can not. To be come successful, a professional should be very clear about his Relationship Score and Task score. It should be well balanced. More relationship with Compromising/Collaborating/Accommodating management can spoil while more of Directive/Avoiding/Competing management also can spoil. All styles required in equal proportion based on the situation and individuals. Become managers rather than executives in Insurance. Hope i have expressed well.
Antony: As you have got promoted from the frontline, how do you differentiate front line from top level management?

Saju: Responsibilities increases when you move from Frontline to Top. But the question each of us needs to ask is that Responsibility towards what I always should be to our Life which is the ultimate gift of God. I also like to point the difference between Implementers and Strategists. Mostly the Frontline managers need to be implements upto 90% of their profile while Top level managers need to be strategic initiatives to control measure and predict the business and business improvement upto 70%. Usually Implementers like to be strategists and Strategists like to be Implementers when they serve those roles. My advice is that don't compromise and complicate on the roles. Have role clarity well!!! Be very simple in life when you grow...
Antony: Boss, tell us something about your personal life with family, hobbies, freetime activities and good & food habits?

Saju: I born as second and only son to my parents at Palakkad and grown at Malappuram most of my school life and collage life. My father retired from police service and Mother retired school teacher, Sister with family at Dubai. Iam married to Tanuja is a home maker and Bachelor of education. I am blessed with two kids Kashyap and Ganga.
Hobbies: I read lots of Malayalam Novels/Watch lots of Movies. Free time activities: Nothing specific...I enjoy my life...King size.. Food Habits: Wanted to make it always good...However i feel the ordinary kerala palakkadan styled vegetarian food i like most...I love my food at Home. I hate hotel food.

Antony: Who is your role model and inspiration in life? Why?

Saju: To be very frank till now i have not find a 100% role model who has inspired my life. I always adopt the best from lot... My first manager taught me how you should not treat your team members. (I behave exactly opposite of his style after working with him). I watch every one and adopt and implement what i feel is good to my style and will help me to grow. Lot many spiritual leaders always inspired me with their courage of scarification of luxuries in life and the way they live simple...I might get fed of this life may be in future..
Antony: What is your biggest aim in Life?

Saju: To get fed up of everything in life after enjoying to maximum and attain Moksha...I don't want to carry any wish to my next life..I read and understood from Veda that Human life and Male Human life is most great in all come only after 500-1000 years of Life cycle... Before go to graveyard..i need to contribute something different to the world... Yet to decide...
Antony: Your Message to Rural Mama Members?

Saju: Lets this be a forum to discuss and give value addition to every one...Be in life very simple...I always look at a MANGO tree with full of Mangoes in it...It always lean towards ground when it is full of Mangoes...Lets Mangoes be Knowledge which make you to be simple in life.... Have a great life !!!

Thankyou very much Saju Boss, for your Valuable time with Rural Mama. May God bless you tremendously in life and Career Ahead.
For Rural Mama
Antony Rebeiro.

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MDRT Experience SEOUL - 2010

About the MDRT Experience

The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is bringing the magic of its Annual Meeting to Asia. Life insurance and financial services professionals from around the world are invited to Seoul, Korea, in March 2010. Come experience why thousands of the industry's top producers gather each year at MDRT's Annual Meeting for high-energy, motivational, inspirational and educational sessions that are sure to take you to a higher level of success.

The purpose of the MDRT Experience is to showcase MDRT's prestigious Annual Meeting experience to financial services professionals outside North America. The MDRT Experience meeting, delivering cutting-edge sales techniques, technical information and motivational concepts, is proven to have helped financial professionals who attend increase their production — and qualify for MDRT membership.

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Sachin ,We Proud of You

ANOTHER HIGH: Sachin Tendulkar became the first cricketer to cross the 17,000-run mark in ODIs when he reached seven against Australia in the fifth match of the ongoing series at Hyderabad on Thursday. The maestro went on to score his 45th ODI hundred and was batting on 173 (138b, 19x4, 4x6), with India requiring 41 off 30 balls to win with four wickets remaining.

Mohali: An epic journey that began with a blob has now clocked 17,000 One-Day International runs. Sachin Tendulkar made his ODI debut way back in 1989 on a December day at Gujranwala in Pakistan. He lasted just two deliveries as Wasim Akram caught him off Waqar Younis but it was a mere stumble before the giant stride into greatness that has lasted two decades.

The Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium rumbled with incessant applause here on Thursday night as the most awaited seventh run was notched up with a dab off Ben Hilfenhaus past square-leg.

Tendulkar became the first cricketer to score 17,000 runs.

His disciple, Virender Sehwag, was at close quarters to witness history being made while even the battle-hardened Aussies whispered their congratulations.

Tendulkar reached the milestone off the 17th delivery of his nascent innings while India chased Australia’s 350 in the fifth ODI of the Hero Honda Cup series. It was Tendulkar’s 435th limited-over match and he was in the familiar territory of having to shepherd India’s hopes.

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Warren Buffett recently decided to fork out a massive US$ 44 bn to buy the US rail road giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. He referred to the deal as an all-in wager on economic future of the United States. For a man who wouldn't touch anything that does not have a sustainable competitive advantage, the rail road giant must surely be having plenty going for it.

Interestingly, the Indian government also seems to have of-late taken infrastructure growth, particularly investment in roads, a little more seriously. A leading business daily today reports how as many as 27 road projects worth a sterling Rs 300 bn may start rolling within a fortnight, thanks to lesser red-tapism in the bidding process. The government has finally cut the red tape that kept the roads sector tied down by letting the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways decide on bidding procedures and make changes to bid documents, effectively keeping the Planning Commission out of the entire process. More importantly, the private sector which virtually lost interest in road projects over the last two years after the Plan panel, introduced a string of tricky clauses in the bid documents, may make a comeback.

Although the Ministry of Road Transport has ambitions of building 20 kilometers of roadways a day, so far, the government has only been able to build 6.5 kilometers everyday. The Ministry has therefore taken a rain check and has pushed the target of constructing 7,000 kilometers of road this year by another three months. Nevertheless, once achieved, the prospects of economic benefit from the same to India far outshine that from railroads to the US.

The telecoms sector seems to be occupying the maximum newsprint space these days. The industry which crossed the milestone of 500 m subscribers during the month of September 2009 is on one hand being lauded for the achievement; considering that this figure was the target set for December 2010. However, on the other hand, there seems to be no end to the price wars in the sector. After voice calls, the latest to join the war is text messaging services (SMS).

A leading daily reports that with the cost of sending an SMS being less than a paisa for the telecoms company , at an average of Re 1 per SMS, India's claims of having among the lowest telecoms tariffs in the world go out of the window. Thus, as new entrants flood into the market, SMS tariffs could become the next major frontier of the pricing war now raging in the Indian mobile services industry.

It may be noted that SMS and other value-added services currently form 10% of the Indian telecom industry's annual revenue. With the new entrants seeking immediate regulatory intervention in the pricing of same, one needs to watch out for the fate of ARPUs (average revenue per user) that the industry leaders have enjoyed so far.


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